  Public Ticket #1209865
Can we put more Slider IDs in PHP function in order to show slides from different sliders?


  • vaykhounv started the conversation


    I want to know if can I put more Slider ID in PHP function in order to show slides from different styles like: Parallax, Popup transparent, furniture slider, landing page, etc so that I can just modify imported demo sliders, and no need to put into a single slider.

    NOW I use the following PHP embedded function: <?php layerslider(16, 'homepage'); ?> and it shows slider ID: 16.

    But, here I want show together ID: 16, 18 and 19 in order. Can I do so as : <?php layerslider(16,18,19, 'homepage'); ?>  BUT does not work anyway so what code should I add in? Can I do that?

    Please give suggestions


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Vay,

    I have replied to your original ticket.