  Public Ticket #1200752
Custom font - not google


  • Kyle started the conversation

    Hi there,

    I wanna to have a custom font, that is already added to the child theme and can be used, that is not a google font.

    How can i add it also to the text of the layerslider. I tried to force it adding inline css but did not worked.

    Thanks for the help.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Kyle,

    You can use fonts other than Google Fonts and you do not need to use CSS either, just simply enter the font's name to the Font Family field in the Styles tab of the corresponding layer. Make sure to put it between apostrophes if the font name contains white spaces.

    Please note that in case your theme does not load this font in the back-end, it will not appear in the editor/preview. Regardless it should work in the front-end.

  • Kyle replied

    Thanks for the reply. 

    It was helpful and worked like a charm :)