  Public Ticket #1194815
Split main banner into 2


  • Tecnomantis started the conversation


    Is it possible to split the main banner in 2 parts so it displays better on mobile? 

    attached you can see and example of what I want to achieve vs what I am getting. 


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Tecnomantis,

    Since version 6 you have the option to display layers only on certain devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).
    This new feature gives you the option to create separate layouts for mobile and desktop view in the same slide and only show them on the required device. 

    With this option you can create two types of your banner and show the split one on mobiles. If you need an example to see this feature in work, you can import the Interactive demo slider from the Template Store to check how we set it up exactly.

  • Tecnomantis replied

    Great thanks. I end up spliting the banner into 2 but it worked great. Also if you guys can make a banner in which a tablet screen changes when a hand passed by. It will be awesome. You can close this ticket now.