  Public Ticket #1188733
import slaiders


  • atreyou78 started the conversation


    When I tried to import some sliders I Have this message that appear on my screen:

    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
    Please try again later. 
    16176c53160056e5a569c7babd419688 9758e8e4f46d90b48aac15822fa578ea 7f620722b24c8b0821770004ed5e73b6

    hat could I do , i Don't want to do it , and I paid to have the import well done.

    Please help me


    [email protected]

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey atreyou78,

    I have checked and the Template Store is functioning properly at the moment. Please try to use it again, there might have been a temporary issue with the servers.

    In case the problem persists, then I believe there is a server setting interfering with the import. Please check the LayerSlider System Status for any error messages that could provide more information.