  Public Ticket #1175597
Error 500 - Internal Server Error An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.


  • muhammadoweis started the conversation

    I am getting this errot have latest version of Wordpress, Avada and WP Layerslider, i am getting this error.

    Error 500 - Internal Server Error

    An error was encountered while processing your request. Typically this is a temporary condition. Please contact the web site owner for further assistance.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey muhammadoweis,

    The "Internal server error" (error 500) is a web server configuration issue, most likely a memory limitation problem or execution time limit in your case. This error message is displayed because you are trying to utilize more content than your server can handle in the given amount of time. 

    Please contact your hosting provider. They should be able to tell from the error message what settings to edit or increase and make the necessary changes as well.

  • muhammadoweis replied

    Hi There,

    please see the following sever setting, i dont have any upload limit, and exection time problem. I have bougth this slider two time, one with avada and one individual licence. but it is till not WORKING

    LayerSlider version: 6.4.0
    WordPress version: 4.7.5
    Site Setup & Plugin Settings
    WP Debug Mode: DisabledIf you experience any issue, we recommend enabling the WP Debug mode while debugging. Click here to learn more
    Uploads directory: OK
    Cache plugins Not found
    jQuery Google CDN: Disabled
    Server Settings
    PHP Version: 5.4.38
    PHP Time Limit: No limit
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Post Max Size: 128M
    PHP Max Upload Size: 128M
    Suhosin: Not found
    PHP ZipArchive Extension: Enabled
    PHP DOMDocument Extension: Enabled
    PHP Multibyte String Extension: Enabled
    PHP Multibyte Regex Functions: Enabled
    WP Remote functions: OK
    $_SERVER variables OK
  • [deleted] replied

    In this case the problem is going to be related to a PHP error. Please enable the WP debug mode so the PHP error messages can be seen, and set up a temporary WP login for us so we can investigate it further from the back-end. Make sure to set the message to private so others can't see the credentials.

  •   muhammadoweis replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    The login credentials do not seem to be valid unfortunately. When I try to login I get an 'invalid username' error.