  Public Ticket #1173068
I deactivate the LayerSlider 6 plugin on one account to use on another, but it is not working


  • gphoenix88 started the conversation

    I deactivated the LayerSlider 6 plugin on the testing site for pjrufos.com at pjrufos.iamthroneless.com, i tried using the LayerSlider plugin for the live pjrufos.com and it won't work. Is there any way you can help me?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey gphoenix88,

    We have recently launched a new site that you can use to manage and reset the activations of your purchase code, please refer to the following URL: https://kreaturamedia.com/reset-activations

    You can reset your old sites with it so you can use the license again.