  Public Ticket #1171194
"Not Found" error when saving changes to a downloaded slider


  • frangagn started the conversation

    I have an error that seems common from what I can read on the internet: After downloading a slider from the store, I make a few changes and when I save it, I get the error:

    "It seems there is a server issue that prevented LayerSlider from saving your work. Please check system status......blahblahblah.... Your HTTP server thrown the following error: \n\n Not Found"

    I contacted my internet hosting and asked them to check the server configuration. They say everything is find from their end and they are asking "server specification is required for that plugin."

    Can you help me please?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey frangagn,

    There isn't any special requirement for the plugin. Other than the default requirements that WordPress also needs, only PHP 5.3 (or newer) and the few exetensions that you can see in the System Status are needed. 

    This is most likely related to a web server issue. Potential problems could be the limitation of open connections, limitation of the total outgoing traffic bandwidth, firewall or custom routing/filtering. 

    It's also recommended to check for any custom rules in the .htaccess files to see if there are any changes that could cause this.

    I'd recommend to contact your hosting provider again and show them the error message, as only they have the necessary information and tools available to solve this.

    In the meantime you could also try to look for an incompatibility issue on your installation to see if there is an interfering with a 3rd party item, by temporary disabling other plugins and switching to a default theme.