  Public Ticket #1131215
How and where to change the previous/next button


  • Simon started the conversation


    Where and how do I change the behaviour of the naviagation (previous/next) buttons?

    Somehow, when I use the full-width skin, the arrows are not centered correctly. And when I chnage to "outline" skin, then i not see any arrows, only 2 "small lines".



  • [deleted] replied

    Hello Simon,

    I have checked your site and the problem is caused by the custom CSS that your theme applies on the slider. There are a lot of custom codes in the stylesheet.min.css and as I can see the layerslider.css and the skin.css are also separate. Unfortunately since the codes that are resulting in this displayment error are generated by your theme, we cannot really fix it from our end. I'd recommend to contact the author of your theme, they should be able to provide you with an option or method to prevent these custom styles from overwriting the slider's default settings.