Hi, I published my first slider on our homepage-in-progress.
I used the shortcode, which I pasted in a full-page code-module - all went well.
I see the first slide, but not the layer (in our case: layer = logo & text) nor the slide-effect (Ken Burns)
the slideshow does not play automatically
when I click on the arrow for the next image, same issue : I see the slide, but not the layer, nor any slide effect. This is the same for all the slides.
The origami effect overwrites any other animation. It means that if you select multiple 3D transitions and the origami effect, the origami will be displayed over them in all cases.
If you want to use a regular 3D transition, you will need to remove/de-select the origami effect first.
Hi, I published my first slider on our homepage-in-progress.
I used the shortcode, which I pasted in a full-page code-module - all went well.
Can you help, please?
Hey Digididirk,
I have checked your site but for me the slider is working properly, it starts automatically and the layers are visible as well.
Have you managed to fix the problem in the meantime ?
In case not, could you please specify on what OS/browser/device are you experiencing this exactly ?
The origami effect overwrites any other animation. It means that if you select multiple 3D transitions and the origami effect, the origami will be displayed over them in all cases.
If you want to use a regular 3D transition, you will need to remove/de-select the origami effect first.
Perfect, works! Cheers.