  Public Ticket #1110035
How to deactivate site and reinstall LayerSlider?


  •  2
    drpinillo started the conversation

    dear sir and lady´s,

    A few weeks ago an error occurred at Betheme while the programming my Web site
    , as a result of this there was necessary to reinstall Wordpress at the host provider 1 & 1,
    now i can´t activate the plugin again
    Although the domain assigned to Layer Slider is the same always appears the message:

    "You,ve reached the maximum number of activate installation for this purchase code. 
    Enter purchase code or deactivate sites before try to add new ones"

    I don´t now how to deactivate the site . Can You help me to reset the code?
    Thanking your help in advance

    Dagoberto Pinillo

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey drpinillo,

    We have recently launched a new site that you can use to reset the activations of your purchase code, please refer to the following url: https://kreaturamedia.com/reset-activations