  Public Ticket #1109463
<p> getting clipped and text not wrapping properly with class ls-l


  •  2
    willthiswork89 started the conversation

    I'm trying to add a paragraph in the layerslider slide but when I do the paragraph gets clipped off rather than wrapping as I would expect. How can I resolve this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey willthiswork89,

    As I can see you have inserted  a P element into a DIV layer. Nesting elements is not recommended, you should just simply use a P element or HTML layer but not in each other.

    Also, you are using the 'Mask' option on some of the transitions. This option typically clips the layers or certain parts of it.

  •  2
    willthiswork89 replied

    okay so I made the suggested changes and now the text just goes off the end of the screen. Is there no way to have a group of text that wraps to the next line with this library? What am I missing?

  • [deleted] replied

    By default, CSS uses auto-expanding width for positioned elements. This can lead to strange behavior when animating text/HTML layers, so LayerSlider uses the CSS white-space: nowrap; by default on your layers to avoid strange issues. As a consequence, you need to override this CSS property if you want to use multi-line text contents and set custom dimensions to the affected layers.