  Public Ticket #1109403
Number of slides in slider


  •  2
    cacarr started the conversation

    WordPress: 4.7.3  /  LaySliderWP: 6.2.0  / Theme: Modernize-Goodlayers 3.21

    Just getting started with LayerSlider. Love it!

    Except... I'm only able to add 27 sides to a slider. When I try adding another, I get a SAVE error of REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE.

    It doesn't matter if I'm adding a NEW slide, or duplicating an existing slide. When I add a 28th slide and click SAVE, I get the error. Even if I don't add an background image to the slide, I get the error.

    Each slide has a background JPG, with 2 text and 1 html layers. The JPG's average original size at upload is about 130KB (and of course WP makes the other smaller sized variations thumbnail/med/large).

    Is there a limit on how many slides can be in a slider? Or a limit on the number of slide/layer combinations?

    I checked system status and that all looks OK.

    Can you suggest where I might look to get this resolved?

    I am ...frustrated in Santa Clarita... Charles

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey cacarr,

    There is no limit for sliders/slides/layers you can use, but your web server settings could prevent creating more content after a point. 

    This is most likely going to be a web server configuration issue. Please contact your hosting provider with this case and show them the error message. They will know what setting to change or update on their part to solve this problem.