  Public Ticket #1099603
CDN & LayerSlider


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    Arnezami started the conversation


    We are using the CloudFront CDN Service and the Layer Slider Plugin for the Wordpress and looking for the possibility how replace the base domain to the CDN domain for the resources. Do the LayerSlider have some hooks to control output html or other ways to solve it? Thanks in advance.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Arnezami,

    LayerSlider dynamically generates the image URLs, by using native WordPress functions.

    In case this CDN solution plugin you are using is correctly integrated to WordPress, it should also change the image URLs in the slider.

    There could be one exception, sliders created with old LayerSlider versions did not use this dynamic method yet, back in the days we were storing the URLs one to one, the dynamic method was only included later.

  •  2
    Arnezami replied

    Hi Attila,

    Thanks for an answer. We'll update the Layerslider and check again. Thanks for your help.