  Public Ticket #1083050
Layer Slider not working on first pageload


  •  2
    muckypoo started the conversation


    i bought the layer slider and i really like it but it seems to not work properly for my setup.

    my page does load all but the layer slider on first pageload.

    page: http://medienhelden24.de/

    when i reload the layer slider shows up normally. however, when i delete the browser cache for images and reload the page its back again that the layer slider does not show but all my other content. when i reload it shows again all with content and layer slider.

    picture of 1st pageload: http://imgur.com/a/gOSR6

    im using autoptimize and exclude the following javascripts: 

    seal.js, js/jquery/jquery.js,jquery.validate.js

    thanks for your support in advancem


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Kevin,

    I have checked your site but for me the slider is being displayed properly on the first load. 

    Have you managed to fix the problem in the meantime ? 

    In case not, could you please specify on what OS/browser/device are you experiencing this exactly ?