  Public Ticket #1081469
add instagram feed and widget grid


  •  2
    bymryco started the conversation

    Hi , 

    i would like to know if theres any css code to be able to put an instagram feed into a slider?

    I try to put a slider into a row next to my instagram feed plugin.. but when it comes to mobile device it wont work ... the slider became invisible ... 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey bymryco,

    At the moment there is no option in the plugin to create an instagram feed unfortunately.

    However we have checked your site and located the problem that is preventing the second slider from appearing.
    On the 1078th line of the scripts.js file there is an error related to the 'stickyHeader'. This 'stickyHeader' is most likely a plugin or theme method that generates this js error and causing the issue. The slider is also affected by this js error and that is resulting in this conflict.

  •  2
    bymryco replied

    so what should i do? Remove the sticky header setting ? 

  • [deleted] replied

    Unfortunately I'm not familiar with your setup so I'm not sure what this 'stickyHeader' is exactly, or to which plugin/theme is it related to. 

    I'd recommend contacting the author of this item with this case, they should be able to provide more information and hopefully a solution to the js errors. If it's not important on your site you could also disable it in the meantime.