do you mean about canvas is the class="ls slide" ? I can't see canvas on the code I downloaded, Can you give me sample code so I can follow.. thank you very much. I am using jquery version of the plugin
I simply meant the width of the slider. It is the 'width' property. The examples and descriptions can be found in the documentation that is included to the plugin's package.
How to make a container with 980px width and with specific height but the slider type is full width responsive.
Hey ratribiana,
To achieve this you will need to set the slider's layout to fullwidth and set the canvas width to 980, the height value is up to you.
do you mean about canvas is the class="ls slide" ? I can't see canvas on the code I downloaded, Can you give me sample code so I can follow.. thank you very much. I am using jquery version of the plugin
I simply meant the width of the slider. It is the 'width' property. The examples and descriptions can be found in the documentation that is included to the plugin's package.