  Public Ticket #1078351
slider size in percentage instead of pixels


  •  2
    nulrick started the conversation

    I want the layerslider size to be in percentages instead of pixels. This is critical so that it proportionately remains consistent on all viewports.  Is this possible?

    Also, once again, when resizing my screen to mobile size, the text is super tiny. This is NOT responsive. I need instructions to make sure that the text size is readable on all devices.  I have not done any custom CSS or anything specialized.  Please let me know what's going on?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hey nulrick,

    Since version 6 you have the option to display layers only on certain devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).
    This new feature gives you the option to create separate layers for mobile and desktop view in the same slide and only show them on the required device. 

    Furthermore, you have the option to set a minimum font size for texts on mobiles as well in the Styles tab of the Layers section.