  Public Ticket #1059442
Images do not display crisp in LayerSlider


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    Drew started the conversation

    I have images that I have sized at the exact same dimensions as the dimensions of the slider, yet they do not display as crisp in LayerSlider as they do when viewed within either Photoshop or the Image Library. Is there a solution to this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Drew,

    Please check on the Background Size options (contain,stretch,cover,etc) both in the Slider Settings and in the Slides section. Incorrect setup could mess up the quality and position of your images.

  •  2
    Drew replied

    Thank you Attila,

    I'm not using the Background option for my slides. Im using the Slide image option. Does this option not allow for the images to be crisp once added?

    Please see the attached screen shot.

  • [deleted] replied

    Ah, I see you're using an old version of the plugin, in this case you won't find the options I've mentioned in the previous message. The slide background improvements and other optimizations are only available since version 6. But overall, it's recommended to use higher quality/resolution images so when they are displayed on different screens they won't lose much from resizing/enlarging.