  Public Ticket #1050399
Duplicate greensock loading bug


  •  2
    crownpointdesign started the conversation

    looks like it's loading greensock twice as of last update. Have flushed all caches etc. Doesn't seem to be causing issues.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey crownpointdesign,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    An issue was introduced in version 6.1.5, we have removed and reworked it since then. There should be no more problem in the new release. 
    The new version has been accepted by Envato a couple of hours ago, so you can download the plugin's package from CodeCanyon now or use the auto-update feature as well.
    You can also find installation insctruction in our documentation if needed: https://support.kreaturamedia.com/docs/layersliderwp/documentation.html#installation