  Public Ticket #1049521
version 6.1.0. Update to version 6.1.6 update


  •  2
    carlfarmerlancast2016 started the conversation

    When I try and do the update I get the error below.

    Can you help?

    Update Plugin

    Update package not available.



  •  2
    thibaultguerpillon replied

    Same for me as well.

  •  2
    magnuskaesar replied

    better no update... all my sliders are uneditable after update...

  •  74
    John replied

    Hi everyone,

    Version 6.1.5 was a faulty update that we've revoked after seeing the problems. This might caused the issues you're experiencing. We were super busy to resolve this as soon as we were able to and we sincerely apologize everyone for the inconveniences this might caused. Version 6.1.6 is now available and it fixes all the known issues of the last update.

    Error messages like "Automatic update is unavailable for this plugin." and "Update package not available." are displayed by WordPress when the update file is not available. Make sure to activate your LayerSlider license and/or re-check available updates under Dashboard -> Updates on your WP admin.

    Best Regards,
    John | Kreatura Dev Team

  •  2
    thibaultguerpillon replied

    - I checked the licence, I checked the updates under the Dashboard. I also tried disabled/enabled the plugin.

    I still have the same issue: "Update package not available".

    Do you have a direct link to download it? That would be easier.

  • [deleted] replied

    The new version has been accepted by Envato a couple of hours ago, so you can download the plugin's package from CodeCanyon now.
    You can also find installation insctruction in our documentation: https://support.kreaturamedia.com/docs/layersliderwp/documentation.html#installation