  Public Ticket #1049395
Text layer flickers during transitions


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    Drew started the conversation

    I have several LayerSliders that contain slides that share the same text layers and during crossfading transitions, the text layer flickers. Can anything be done to correct this?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Drew,

    Have you added them as static layers ? Normal layers will always transition in/out when the slide changes.

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    Drew replied

    Thank you for your reply Attila. I'm not sure if I have them added as static layers. Can you explain exactly how I can verify this?

  • [deleted] replied

    You can make a layer static with the 'Keep this layer visible' option under the 'Transition' tab of the 'Layers' section.

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    Drew replied

    I guess that option is either not there or I'm not looking in the right place. I don't see a 'Keep this layer visible' option anywhere under the 'Layers' section of my slider.

    I'm running version 5.6.10. Could it be that option is new with version 6.0.5?

  • [deleted] replied

    Yes, this option was added in version 6. That is why you cannot locate it with your current version of LayerSlider.

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    Drew replied

    Okay, thank you. I don't typically update plugins as soon as a new version is released in the case of conflicts, but I suppose I'll need to if I want to control this issue.