It seems that the new update of LayerSlider ( 6.1.5 ) contains an error that causes issues for certain users in some rare cases. In case you experience problems with it we recommend you to install 6.1.0 back, which is the latest version before this update.
We have removed 6.1.5 from the auto-update servers for now. You can download 6.1.0 from CodeCanyon on the following url: Downgrading to it should solve all your issues.
We'll release a quick fix soon. We are very sorry for your inconveniences!
after update layer slider is no longer working. Freezes.
It seems that the new update of LayerSlider ( 6.1.5 ) contains an error that causes issues for certain users in some rare cases.
In case you experience problems with it we recommend you to install 6.1.0 back, which is the latest version before this update.
We have removed 6.1.5 from the auto-update servers for now.
You can download 6.1.0 from CodeCanyon on the following url:
Downgrading to it should solve all your issues.
We'll release a quick fix soon.
We are very sorry for your inconveniences!
Best Regards,
George | Kreatura Dev Team
We have just released the new version that contains the fix for the error introduced in 6.1.5.
It is available through the auto-update solution. You can check for live updates in the WP Dashboard -> Updates section.
We have also uploaded it to CodeCanyon for manual download, but it might take a day or two for Envato to accept it.