Have you activated the plugin with your purchase code ? The automatic update feature only works once you have activated the item. In case you did please to re-activate the plugin itself in the Plugins WP menu as it rewrites the database and could solve an issue like this.
The new version has just been uploaded so it may take a few hours for WordPress to follow up on the changes because it caches update data. But if you try to update in the Dashboard -> Updates section it might be working already.
Download from Envato / CodeCanyon is "Changes in LayerSlider 6.1.0 "Anniversary Update""
Hey Richard,
Have you activated the plugin with your purchase code ? The automatic update feature only works once you have activated the item. In case you did please to re-activate the plugin itself in the Plugins WP menu as it rewrites the database and could solve an issue like this.
The new version has just been uploaded so it may take a few hours for WordPress to follow up on the changes because it caches update data.
But if you try to update in the Dashboard -> Updates section it might be working already.