  Public Ticket #1047461
Slide images flash


  •  2
    eric777 started the conversation

    Having trouble with slide image background flashing off. Read documentation and it mentions commenting out GSAP file in theme.

    Can you telll me if that is my problem and what to search for in theme to comment out?

  •   eric777 replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hey eric777,

    The problem is caused by the following part of your style.css: 

    [class*="bg-"], [class*="bg-"] .wrap {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 2;

    This sets every element that's classname contains "bg" to position: relative. The slider backgrounds (ls-bg) are also affected by it. You will need to remove this custom css or prevent it from applying on the slider to solve the issue.

  •  2
    eric777 replied

    Thank you Attila, that worked!!