  Public Ticket #1047035
Slider is not rendering first slide until after last slide is fetched


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    Steve Mullen started the conversation

    Hi !

    Love the slider, lot's of great features.  One of the features you mention is lazy load - but I'm not seeing that.  In my Network panel of the Google Chrome debugger, I can see that the last slide (and these are larger images) has to load before the first slide is rendered on the page.

    Is this intentional?  Am I doing something wrong?

    Thank you

    Steve Mullen

  •  2
  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Steve Mullen,

    In the new version of LayerSlider lazy load is enabled by default, that is why it cannot be found in the settings. The lazy load feature was reworked and improved (due to indexing and search bots) but it's still included to the plugin and working.

    The images from the last slide are not loaded. When the source code is generated the images appear there but they are removed on slider init. The plugin might start to load some images that are used in the slider but it is immediately cancelled for the images that are not on the first slide. This method will not slow down the site or generate extra traffic as we cancel these downloads.