  Public Ticket #1044118
Layer Text


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    danieltmjr started the conversation

    Why do my text layers only appear with a blue background? How to remove this blue background and leave only the texts?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey danieltmjr,

    You can find the options to add and remove background color to the text layers under the Styles tab in the Layers section.

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    danieltmjr replied

    Thanks for your response, but the instructions ask you to use #FFF or the keyword transparent in Misc | other settings in the background. I used but do not remove the blue background. I would like more details because I can not remove this blue background.

  • [deleted] replied

    Could you please show us your site with the slider so we can check on it ? It is possible that your theme is overwriting the slider's styling settings with its own custom css.

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    danieltmjr replied

    Thanks for the reply, I noticed that when the photos are displayed in normal mode, the texts appear without the blue background and when I using a double click to enter full screen mode the texts appear with the blue background.
    The link is http://www.redesdivinopolis.com.br/site/instalacao-em-janelas/
    If I do not use the full screen mode, the photos appear very cut even using any of the options: responsive, full width and full screen.

  • [deleted] replied

    I see now. The text receives a blue background after you enter the slider's fullscreen mode because of the double click. As you may know the double click is usually used for selecting text blocks, for example if you double click on text in a website it will be selected, and this behavior is the same in the slider.
    We are going to include a workaround for this in an upcoming release, that will prevent the text from being selected in fullscreen mode.