  Public Ticket #1034166
Blog post links not working


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    manonvanos started the conversation


    I have a layer slider on the following website: www.flipflopwanderers.com

    I have a problem with the links to my blog posts. Every time I try to put the short code [post-url] in the 'Read More' section and in the blog title, the link disappears when I click on another setting. Even when I save the slider after every time I put the link in it, it disappears. So, the problem is that guests can't click on my 'Read More' section or on the blog title to go to the actually blog. 

    Besides this I seem to have a problem with my arrows in the slider. They don't look alright, while that's not the case in the preview.

    Can you please help me with these problems?

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards,
    Manon van Os

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Manon van Os,

    I have tried to access your site but it seems to be unavailable. The following error waits when I navigate to it: The website you're trying to visit is unavailable, because exceeds its allotted resource capacity. The cause may be that there are too many active visitors, or the website might be experiencing a technical defect.

    Is there a temporary outage or have you removed it in the meantime ? If yes, where can we check on the slider ?

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    manonvanos replied


    Website works fine from my site.
    However, I did a speed test and my website is scoring very low. So I think this is the reason the website won't load on your side. 
    BUT I tried to de-activate the Layerslider plugin and ran the test again, and my website was scoring much better (I think you can load the website as well with the plugin de-activated).
    So, the Layerslider plugin is making my website speed drastically slower. 
    What can I do about this? 

    Because I like to use the plugin, but not if my speed is getting so bad because of it. 


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    manonvanos replied

    Oh, and just for the record: the plugin seems to give problems on 'Serve resources from a consistent URL' and 'Serve scaled images' when I run a test on gtmetrix.com

  • [deleted] replied

    We have checked the buttons and they are working for us properly at the moment. We are also not aware of any issue like this in the latest release. But if you create a temporary WP login for us we can look into this further.

    Regarding the "Serve resources from a consistent URL'  'Serve scaled images'  errors and slow loading, they are not related to our plugin. The speed test checks your whole site, which does not only contain LayerSlider, there are other content as well. The reason your site's performance is better without the slider is beucase of the images that are included in it. The errors thrown by the test are pointing to a different thing caused by another plugin, usually Jetpack causes this kind of problem and as I can see it is installed on your site.