I'm playing a video on a slide that I've uploaded to my hosting server. Video plays great looks great but controls are showing at the bottom. Even if I drag the controls off the screen if I hover over it they slide back up from the bottom. Any thoughts on completely eliminating the controls.
I'm playing a video on a slide that I've uploaded to my hosting server. Video plays great looks great but controls are showing at the bottom. Even if I drag the controls off the screen if I hover over it they slide back up from the bottom. Any thoughts on completely eliminating the controls.
Think I may have it. I eliminated: preload="metadata" controls, I still have to mess around with getting it centered now.
Hey MHarris400,
Have you tried to disable the Controls option in the Video / Audio layer type section ?
You can center layers by adding 50% to the top and left values in the Styles/Layout section of the layer settings.