  Public Ticket #1014365
font size for mobile layout


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    Anita Deckers started the conversation


    we use a slide with a customized layer. sizing position is set through the WYIWG - preview, options like the font-size and word-wrap are set in the "font & style" - options. Now it does look good on the desktop but the text is cut on mobile devices. If we change sizing position so that it does look good on mobile, it looks faulty on the desktop in reverse. We want to know if its possible to chose a different position for each, destop and smartphone. On mobile devices the text box should be full withed and overline the background, wheras on desktop it should be positioned through the editor like mentioned above, for example in the left bottom of the slide.

    Best regards

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey Anita,

    Since version 6 you have the option to display layers only on certain devices (desktop, mobile, tablet). This new feature gives you the option to create separate layers for mobile and desktop view in the same slide and only show them on the required device.

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    Anita Deckers replied

    Hello Attila,

    thanks, it works. But now we have another question: 

    We have noticed we can only choose post out of 30 items (under "show more options">"on the slide field") although under "preview from currenty matched elements"  100 items are listed (although we have more than 100 posts) . So our questions are: How can we choose out of all posts (more than 30 item) and how can we display all our posts (over 100 item). Best regards Anita

  • [deleted] replied

    At the moment you can only select up to 30 items from the results dropdown menu, we might raise this limit in the future.
    However if you don't select a certain item but leave it on 'following', it will always get the next item from the list be it the 100th or 200th.