  Public Ticket #1012021
Disabling Autostart Slideshow Breaks slide transitions based on time


  •  2
    ADHDassassin started the conversation

    I am making a slider presentation that has an introduction slide with a button that starts the presentation and after that the slider should proceed through the slides based on the slide timing specified on each slide.

    Autostart slideshow falsely gives an impression that this setting only controls starting the slideshow automatically when it actually disables this proceed on timing function across the board.

    Please change this setting or add an additional setting such as Proceed On Slide Timeout to allow this functionality to occur.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey ADHDassassin,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    We have checked the connection between the autostart, pause and resume settings in the slideshow and there seems to a bug with a certain setup. We are going to look further into this and release a fix for it in an upcoming release.