  Public Ticket #1005500
Image Mouseover Opacity


  •  2
    GrafitecSon started the conversation


    I have a problem with an mouseover effect.  I think I have a easy question but I can't find my mistake.

    I have 2 images. A colored version and the other one is a greyscaled. The grayscaled image is the top layer and the colored the bottom layer. I need a mouseover effect that let disappear the grayscaled image. Then you see the colored image.

    I try to use a mouseover effect but nothing works.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hey GrafitecSon,

    I believe the best way to achieve this would be to set an opacity hover transition for the layer on top, so when you hover over it, it goes from opacity 1 to 0 and it disappears so the other one on the bottom would became visible.